Anything About Internal Medicine

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thyroid Diseases

Located in the neck in front of the throat is an endocrine gland medically known as thyroid gland. It's approximately 12-20 grams in typical size and has an ample blood stream. The thyroid gland generates 2 hormones, thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) that are often adjusted by negative response to the brain specifically by thyroid...
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Scientists believe proteins targeted by Botox hold diabetes answer

Scientists: It is hoped the research will lead to a treatment for diabetes.© STVScientists believe the proteins targeted by Botox could hold the answer to treating type two diabetes.Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh are using molecular microscopic techniques on SNARE proteins to see how insulin release is regulated.It is...

25.8 Million Diabetes Patients Need What Grove Instruments Is Developing

Grove Instruments is developing a pocket-sized device so diabetes patients can measure their glucose levels without taking their own blood. If clinical trials go well in 2013, its CEO expects to initiate the process of seeking Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the device in 2014. And if that goes well, Worcester, Mass.-based...

Diabetic kidney disease

With an aging society and increase in obesity, the number of diabetes patients is increasing each year. This is associated with an increase in chronic complications of diabetes.Diabetic kidney disease is the most common cause of end-stage renal disease, and is the most serious complication of diabetic patients. Therefore, the presence of...

Baxter the diabetes dog will get his life

Baxter the black lab is Ali Saber's lifeline - alerting her when her blood sugar dips dangerously low - and now, thanks to generous donations, he will soon begin cancer treatments.Saber and Baxter have been together for ten years. When Saber is sleeping and her blood sugar dips dangerously low, Baxter can smell it on her breath and nudges...

Baxter the diabetes dog will get his life

Baxter the black lab is Ali Saber's lifeline - alerting her when her blood sugar dips dangerously low - and now, thanks to generous donations, he will soon begin cancer treatments.Saber and Baxter have been together for ten years. When Saber is sleeping and her blood sugar dips dangerously low, Baxter can smell it on her breath and nudges...

All welcome at diabetes hui

Arowhenua Health Clinic nurse Maree Rowley knows that diabetes is a disease that steals quality of life.She also knows that educating people is key to understanding, and understanding is key to improving health.That is why the health clinic is holding a hui on the subject, and everyone is invited - Maori and non-Maori, people with or without...

Summer camp a reality for children with diabetes

Children diagnosed with diabetes at Camp Easter Seal in Manitou Beach, Saskatchewan this week. Brent McGillivray / Global News WATROUS, Sask. - For over 50 years, 64 kids diagnosed with type 1 diabetes from around Saskatchewan have had the opportunity to go to camp at Manitou Beach.The camp gives them a summer experience with other kids...

Hi-Tech Pharmacal gets FDA warning on diabetes meds

Hi-Tech Pharmacal Co. said Wednesday it would comply with a federal warning about three of its medicinal creams for diabetics. The Amityville-based manufacturer of generic and brand-name drugs said it had received a "warning letter" from the federal Food and Drug Administration on July 15. The letter "related to certain statements that...

16% of Qatar's adult population suffers from diabetes

People taking part in the diabetes screening.About 16% of the adult Qatari population between the age of 20 and 79 suffers from diabetes, according to a statement issued by Action on Diabetes (AOD). AOD is a joint initiative by the Supreme Council of Health, Hamad Medical Corporation ( HMC), Qatar Diabetes Association, Maersk Oil and world...